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H9TP32A8JDAC direct connection

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  • H9TP32A8JDAC direct connection

    Direct connection to eMMC H9TP32A8JDAC short wires, VCC and VCCQ from external power supply.

    Open serial port...OK
    Connecting to the RIFF Box...OK
    Firmware Version: 1.38.1b, JTAG Manager Version: 1.57 [BETA 2]
    Connecting to the SD/eMMC Card...OK
    Set I/O Voltage reads as 3.31V, SD_CLK Frequency is 960 KHz
    Memory Type .......................... eMMC
    Manufacturer ID ...................... 0x90
    OEM/Application ID ................... 0x4A
    Product Name ......................... "H4G1d "
    Package .............................. BGA
    User Area Parition Size .............. 0x0000E7000000 Bytes (3.61 GB)
    Boot Partition Size .................. 0x000000200000 Bytes (2.00 MB)
    RPMB Partition Size .................. 0x000000200000 Bytes (2.00 MB)
    OCR Register ......................... 0xC0FF8080 (Dual Voltage, High Capacity)
    Write Protection Bits ................ NONE
    Boot Configuration ................... Boot from Boot Partition 1 (Bus Width = 1Bit)
    Chip Revision ........................ 8.6
    Multimedia Card Revision ............. 1.5 (eMMC v4.41)
    Serial Number ........................ 0x06A326DC
    Memory Manufacturing Date ............ May, 2014
    Initialization IC work on all frequencies, reading only below 828 KHz.

    Example reading 2MB Boot Partition.

    Open serial port...OK
    Connecting to the RIFF Box...OK
    Firmware Version: 1.38.1b, JTAG Manager Version: 1.57 [BETA 2]
    Connecting to the SD/eMMC Card...OK
    Set I/O Voltage reads as 3.31V, SD_CLK Frequency is 828 KHz
    Detected eMMC Chip, ID: 0x90/0x4A (H4G1d ), User Area Partition = 0x0000E7000000 Bytes (3.61 GB)
    Reading "Boot Area Partition 1" address space from 0x000000000000 to 0x0000001FFFFF
    Completed in 00:00:24.102 (Average Transfer Rate: 84.97 kB/s)
    Example reading 64MB User Area Partition.

    Open serial port...OK
    Connecting to the RIFF Box...OK
    Firmware Version: 1.38.1b, JTAG Manager Version: 1.57 [BETA 2]
    Connecting to the SD/eMMC Card...OK
    Set I/O Voltage reads as 3.31V, SD_CLK Frequency is 828 KHz
    Detected eMMC Chip, ID: 0x90/0x4A (H4G1d ), User Area Partition = 0x0000E7000000 Bytes (3.61 GB)
    Reading "User Area Partition" address space from 0x000000000000 to 0x000003FFFFFF
    Completed in 00:12:52.516 (Average Transfer Rate: 84.83 kB/s)